
The game as an educational tool by Francisca Nuñez

She started her presentation with some quotations by Albert Einstein and Plato; i liked the second one: "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation".

I think it was a great way to start because she gave opinions from important and admirable characters. Then she gave a definition of games and talked about the importance of the uses of games to teach students. An important aspect was that she mentioned that games help children to develop thinking abilities which is a process that includes thinking skills as well.
Finally, we play a game: "Who want to be millionaire"; the class was divided in two groups to game. It was easy bacause everybody knows how to play it so everyone participates.
At the end of the presentation, Francisca gave a little conclusion.
I understood and heard everything well because Francisca has a good voice; also, the topic was perfect because our minor is for children for that reason was useful for us.